Winchester Lever Action Shooters Society Holland
Topprijs voor een Winchester Model 1886
Zo nu en dan wordt er een wapen verkocht op een veiling welke wel erg bijzonder is. Ons lid Thom van Straalen wees ons op een bericht uit Amerika over de verkoop van een model 1886. Het wapen is in zeer goede staat en werd verkocht voor meer dan een miljoen dollar. Het beste is om het artikel zelf maar eens te lezen; we drukken het hieronder af. Het gaat trouwens om onderstaand model en het is gevonden in het blad Outdoorhub. Niet alleen het krantenbericht maar ook het hele artikel uit het magazine drukken we af. En is uw interesse gewekt, open dan onderaan de video met extra uitleg.

Icon of the Wild West Becomes
the Most Expensive Rifle to Ever Sell at Auction
This Winchester Model 1886 came with a million dollar price tag.
The history of guns is the history of so many other things, and that connection to history is why a Winchester Model 1886 just became the most expensive single gun to ever sell at auction, at a price of $1.26 million. Not only is it a beautiful piece, and not only is it the first Model 1886 ever produced, but also it has a unique tie to one of the famed names in American history, Geronimo.
Geronimo's capture, at least. Geronimo—leader in the Apache Wars who would continually escape reservations to raise armies—had been playing hit-and-run with the American government for thirty years. Finally outmanned in 1886, he officially surrendered to General Nelson Miles. But this was a matter of protocol, necessary because Geronimo had refused to surrender to the man who had tracked and captured him, Captain Henry W. Lawton. While Lawton sought no glory for his action, he did accept a gift of a new rifle from a friend, who happened to work at Winchester, in congratulations. That rifle is the one that just sold at the Rock Island Auction Company in Illinois, which specializes in old weaponry.
Developed at the same moment of induction coils and the very beginning of automotive technology, the Winchester Model 1886 (which you can buy cheaper reproductions of today) would become the new standard among rifles worldwide. The rifle's lever action offered unprecedented stability and power, making it a symbol of settlers everywhere. The rifle symbolizes a changing West, one more compliant to the U.S government.

This Rifle Just Became the Single Most Expensive Gun Ever Auctioned
- By: OutdoorHub Reporters + - - - Posted: May 4, 2016 –
On the last Saturday of April, the Rock Island Auction Company (RIAC) broke the world record for the most expensive single gun ever sold at auction as bids for a Winchester Model 1886 concluded at a $1.265 million. Initially estimated to bring in only half that price, the rifle is considered among the rarest ever auctioned by RIAC due to it being the first of its kind ever produced (serial number 1) and because of its connection to famed Apache warrior Geronimo. According to documents that provided the gun with its provenance, the rifle was gifted to US Army Captain Henry W. Lawton following the raid that led to Geronimo’s capture. The Winchester 1886, which was fresh off the production line, was gifted the Lawton by Lieutenant George E. Albee.
“It is an honor to be entrusted with an American treasure,” RIAC President Kevin Hogan said in a press release. “Being serial number one and possessing such outstanding condition would alone be enough to draw six figures at auction. When you add one of the most famous names in the history of the Old West you have a huge crossover appeal and set the stage for something special to happen.”
The capture of Geronimo was the highlight of Lawton’s military career. Indeed, it was an honor much desired by any US Army officer at the time. Even today, Geronimo is something of a controversial figure, described variously as both an outlaw and as a hero. In September of 1886, Geronimo and his band was being fiercely pursued across 1,300 miles from Mexico to Arizona. Lawton, who commanded B Troop, 4th Cavalry, constantly harassed Geronimo and eventually wore the legendary raider down. Exhausted, hungry, and cornered, Geronimo finally surrendered on September 9, ending 25 years of revenge and bloodshed.
Among Geronimo’s possessions at the time was his prized Winchester Model 1876, which currently is on display at West Point Military Academy. That Winchester is priceless, but as for the one that was gifted to Lawton at the end of the campaign, that one had a very real—and very large—price tag.
“The rifle’s story begins with two brothers-in-arms during the Civil War who went their different ways after that conflict, one electing to continue a lifelong military career while the other pursued firearms and their development,” stated RIAC. “When the former, Captain Henry Ware Lawton, captured Geronimo in 1886 the latter, Lieutenant George E. Albee, was working for Winchester and able to secure serial number one of their newest rifle design. He presented it to his old war buddy and lifelong friend to commemorate Lawton’s remarkable achievement.”
Lawton later served with distinction and was promoted to General. He died while leading troops in the Philippines during the Philippine-American War. Now he will also be known as the original owner of the world’s most expensive gun—at least, one that isn’t locked up in a museum somewhere. You can learn more about the history of this record-setting Winchester and its owners in the video below:
A Winchester 1886 for the man who captured Geronimo